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Applied Intelligence

Optimized Solutions

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Variance Optimized Indexing (VOI)

VOI is a proprietary methodology developed by Arch Indices to optimize the weightings of assets in a portfolio. VOI weights assets to maximize the portfolio goal while minimizing volatility by taking into account three factors: 1) goal to maximize, 2) asset volatility, and 3) asset correlation to the rest of the portfolio.

VOI is customizable to handle a wide variety of goals and assets.


4 Common Mistakes Income Investors Make

Millions of retirees are missing their income goals.

Avoid these common mistakes to achieve your retirement income goals.

  1. Focus only on the high headline yield
  2. Lack of diversification across asset classes and ignoring portfolio construction
  3. Not having enough liquidity
  4. Not preparing for potential shocks

We share our insights on these four common mistakes and how an optimized income portfolio of both bonds and dividend stocks can help you achieve your retirement income goals.

An optimized income portfolio can be a powerful tool to generate retirement income while minimizing portfolio volatility and drawdown.

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No Rendering of Advice

Arch Indices Investment Advisors LLC ("AIIA") is a Registered Investment Advisor registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"). AIIA provides asset management and related services for clients nationally. AIIA will file and maintain all applicable licenses as required by the state securities regulators and/or the SEC, as applicable. AIIA renders individualized responses to persons in a particular state only after complying with the applicable SEC and state regulatory requirements, or pursuant to any applicable exemptions or exclusions.

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